IR Awards 2024: Hanoi Re awarded as Transparent Information Discloser of the Year

Hanoi, Vietnam – July 1, 2024 – Hanoi Reinsurance Joint Stock Corporation (Hanoi Re) was honored as a Transparent Information Discloser of the Year at the 2024 IR Awards. Organized annually since 2011, the IR Awards recognize listed companies on the Vietnamese stock market that demonstrate exceptional commitment to information disclosure standards. The program is a joint initiative by Vietstock, the Vietnam Association of Financial Executives (VAFE), and FiLi Magazine. With its longstanding reputation and prestige, the IR Awards have become a trusted benchmark for transparency and strong corporate governance practices in Vietnam.

The IR Awards criteria system is developed by the Organizing Committee and the Selection Board, focusing on three main pillars: Effective financial communication, Good reputation in the capital market, and Good management of stock market expectations. The IR Awards Evaluation Council comprises independent financial and securities experts with exceptional credentials meticulously assesses companies. These experts ensure adherence to stringent criteria emphasizing transparency, timeliness, and comprehensiveness of information disclosure. Companies must demonstrate complete compliance with all legal regulations governing information disclosure activities within the stock market.

In 2024, the proportion of listed companies on the HNX and HOSE exchanges that met disclosure standards reached 60%. Hanoi Re’s recognition at the IR Awards is a testament to the company’s professionalism and transparency, its full compliance with legal regulations on information disclosure, corporate governance, and unwavering prioritization of shareholder rights.

Hanoi Re stands steadfast in its commitment to fostering investors confidence. By diligently fulfilling its information disclosure obligations, the company remains at the forefront of transparency initiatives, paving the way for a more robust and informed Vietnamese stock market.
Source: Vietstock