Announcement of invitation to the annual general meeting of shareholders 2015 of PVI Reinsurance Joint-Stock Corporation

Board of Directors (BOD) of PVI Reinsurance Joint-Stock Corporation (PVI Re) is pleased to announce and invite you to attend the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting 2015 (AGM) of PVI Reinsurance joint stock Corporation, as follows:
1. Meeting Invitation: Download
2. Confirmation of Attendance: Download
3. Letter of Authorization: Download
4. Proposal for Regulation of General Meeting of Shareholders: Download
5. Decision of organizing the committee of inspecting shareholders’ eligibility: Download
6. Supporting documents for General Meeting of Shareholders
6.1. Schedule for General Meeting of Shareholders: Download
6.2. Audited Financial Statements for 2014: Download
6.3. Document 1: Reports for approvals of Business Results in 2014 and Business Plans in 2015: Download
6.4. Document 2: Proposal for approvals of Audited Financial Statements for 2014: Download
6.5. Document 3: Proposal for profit distribution plan for the Fiscal year from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 and profit distribution plan for 2015: Download
6.6. Document 4: Report of the Board of Director performance in 2014; Orientation and planning activities of the Board in 2015: Download
6.7. Document 5: Proposal for remuneration schemes in 2014 and estimate remuneration in 2015 of the Board of Director and Supervisory Board of PVIRe: Download
6.8. Document 6: Proposal for innovating Regulations: Download
6.9. Document 7: Report of inspecting business operation from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2014 of PVIRe: Download
6.10: Document 8: Proposal for Selection of Independent Audit Firm to audit the Financial Statement in 2015: Download