The Signing Ceremony of Co-operation between PVI Holdings, Seabank and Samsungvina. The Award Ceremony of “Third – Class Independence Order”

On the 10th of January 2014, PVI Holdings has solemnly held the opening ceremony of PVI Tower addressed 168 Tran Thai Tong Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi. This event has marked a new step of development PVI – a Vietnam leading Finance – Insurance Institution of international stature.

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The Signing Ceremony of Co-operation between PVI Holdings – SeABank – Samsung Vina Electronics Co. Ltd was also successfully organized on the same day, which will expectedly reinforce operation effectiveness through developing and diversifying their products and services to be compliant with PVI Holdings and SeABank’s development strategy based on their own business strength.

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On 15th of January 2014, PVI Holdings honored to be awarded the ” Third – Class Independence Order” by the President of Vietnam. After 18 years of development, PVI – formerly the Petrovietnam Insurance Corporation – has now become a leading Finance- Insurance Institution in Vietnam’s market. In the context of the global and Vietnam economic crisis, PVI has successfully overcome all challenges by defined effective solutions and strategies. Those successes and achievements of PVI affirmed the right development strategy in professionalize all three areas: life insurance, non-life insurance and reinsurance.

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On the 6th of February 2014, PVI Holdings organized the Lunar New Year (Year of Horse) Meeting and Signing Ceremony of Agreement for Business Plan 2014 at PVI Tower, 168 Tran Thai Tong Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi. The fourth pillar of PVI business system – PVI Asset Management Company will come into operation in 2014. The year 2014 is believed to be a promising year full of changes, opportunities and challenges to Vietnam in general and PVI in particular. Despite of that, PVI will continue to prove its spirit, belief and desire which have been trained and challenged year after year to conquer the remarkable milestones on the way to become a global Finance – Insurance Institution.

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