Transaction in shares of Internal Person and Affiliated Persons of Internal Person

Name of the organization conducting the transaction: PVI Joint Stock Company

  • Ticker symbol: PVI
  • Number of shares held before trading: 82,651,191 shares
  • Name of Affiliated Person at the listed organization: Phung Tuan Kien
  • Current position of Affiliated Person at the listed organization: Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Current position of Affiliated Person at the organization conducting the transaction: Deputy Chief Executive Officer of PVI Joint Stock Company
  • Number of shares Affiliated Person holds: 0 shares (0% ratio)
  • Name of Affiliated Person at the listed organization: Duong Thanh Danh Francois
  • Current position of Affiliated Person at the listed organization: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Current position of Affiliated Person at the organization conducting the transaction: Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at PVI Joint Stock Company
  • Number of shares Affiliated Person holds: 20,000 shares
  • Name of Affiliated Person at the listed organization: Tran Duy Cuong
  • Current position of Affiliated Person at the listed organization: Member of the Board of Directors and Member of the Audit Committee
  • Current position of Affiliated Person at the organization conducting the transaction: Chief Accountant of PVI Joint Stock Company
  • Number of shares Affiliated Person holds: 0 shares (0% ratio)
  • Number of shares registered to purchase: 2,002,419 shares
  • Purpose of transaction: Purchase undistributed shares from the 2022 charter capital increase of PRE according to the allocated quantity
  • Transaction method: Registered to purchase with the issuing organization
    -Transaction Date: 03/02/2023